Thursday, 18 November 2010

More Slip Casting - Model 2

Right so I've had another long long day in ceramics. I've been working on the second model in my slip casting project. This is the outer "shell" of the two part interlocking form idea. I started off by using the model I made last week, putting it on a profile bat, and casting another block of plater over the entire thing.

Next I took the two apart and started carving so that the outside vaguely matched the inside...

After I had the vague shape I then marked on the two models where the cut offs would be and used the band saw to cut them at angles. This worked really well!

So yeah... that what I was going for. I then sat carving the bottom model for a while longer so it had thinner walls and better curves. I also smoothed off the walls and the tops of each model where the band saw marks were.

These are the two models made from plaster that sit flush inside each other. Now I have made these I can spend next week making a drop out mould for the inside model. Yet another really productive day =]

1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic! Congrats! You seem to get a lot more done than I do when I spend all day in the studios at Dartmouth lol!
