Thursday, 25 November 2010

Slip Casting - Take 3

Well... I've been in all day today in ceramics doing more slip casting. Kind of forgot to take photos as I was stressing about the moulds. However I've made one for the inner part of my two piece interlocking design. 
So, first I soaped up the model, then put it on an oval profile bat and built up clay to the top, making sure it was flush with the model. Next I poured plaster in to make the outside fitting spare. After having made this I carved it down to make it more manageable. This would be a lot easier to explain with pictures!
Part two consisted of turning the outside fitting spare up side down and placing the model on top. I then built up clay to the bottom of the outside fitting spare and poured in plaster to cover the model, thus making the mould for the model. 
Because of how the top of the model is shaped, I needed to make a reservoir ring to keep in the slip in the slip casting process. to do this I glued the outside fitting spare onto the top of the model in the mould and poured plaster over this again. After much ado with the air gun, cottling the mould up and then realising I hadn't soft soaped it or put natches in and having to take the cottle off, and finally getting the damn thing apart I ended up with a drop out mould for the inner part of my design... WINNER!
And here's a diagram to show you what the hell I'm on about:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike - looking good here, glad it's working! Hope you got the info about Thursday.
